
As I watched a flock of birds hanging out on a power line over the train yard today, I couldn't help but think that it was a beautiful reflection of the sense of community that I feel in my church.

Yesterday was not just the usual Sunday.  We had the chance to honor a lovely couple for their consistent service in our church.  Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE (even the guest who was just at our church to make a presentation for the new Pregnancy Care Center in town) was filled with love and support for this couple!  And my favorite part is that even with the service mostly dedicated to this couple, what we were able to give them is STILL only a portion of the amount of love, and prayers, and honor, and service that they have given to us over the years and still will give!

My close-second favorite part is the reminder that my church family is AMAZING!  So much love, support, and togetherness.  Truly a beautiful community.  Maybe I'm biased, but I kind of don't think so.

My sense of community didn't end there yesterday.  I was able to hang out with my puzzle making friend again!  (Yes.  In case you were wondering... we did build another puzzle.  And I have no shame in admitting that we both had FUN doing it!)  The camaraderie in spending hours just hanging out with a friend is so stinkin' wonderful that it only added to my awareness of the community that I am fortunate enough to be a part of.

AND THERE'S MORE!!  I went straight from that friend's house to another friend's house!  One of the young men in the youth has been slowly (and with a great deal of patience on his part) giving me a video game education.  We spent hours playing, laughing the whole time (because I was SO BAD at the beginning, and still not near pro by the time we called it a night!), and I was reminded once again that the community in my church family has spawned a great community in the Youth Group!  Even though we were both frustrated at my ineptitude, we still had a great deal of fun.

I think that is beautiful.

I am so grateful to God that I get to be a part of this community of amazing people who care about me and that I have the opportunities to care about in return.

I hope that you all get the chance to experience that, my lovelies!


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