Tread with care.

This is your warning. Past this point, you are going way, way, way back in time.

It's been eight (gasp! 8) years since I blogged last, and... a lot has changed. Too much to put in a blog post. I know this, for I have tried to write a summary of 2015-2023 many, many a time to my great fatigue at the sheer magnitude of the task. *faints dramatically*

Silly hyperbole aside, if you continue below this point, I humbly ask that you have compassion on wee baby 22-25 year old Emmi.

She's cringe at times, but I'm reluctant to hide any of her posts, somehow.  What she wanted to say here still matters to me. Even in her undiagnosed anxiety, not yet deconstructed, naive, insecure state, I love that silly goose that was me in another lifetime. I think she'd be proud of where we are now.


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