
Showing posts from June, 2013

Time for Change.

I decided to change the blog design.

Probably won't be the last time.

...I'm also getting a haircut tomorrow.

Sometimes we all need a little change.

(Plus it's fun to play with the extra nerdy parts of web design!  No basic templates for this girl!!  I just can't resist, I have to play around with the HTML until it's just right.)

P.S.  If you are using a mobile device... DON'T.  Or at the very least, promise that you'll check out the desktop theme at least once.  The mobile themes are generic and uncustomizable (I think I just made up that word)... I am displeased.

My Puppy is Cute

When my puppy* has had a stressful day** she is only comforted by four things.

*Not so 'puppy' anymore, I guess, since she's two. It's basically like how my dad still introduces me as his 'baby' even though I'm twenty-two.

**Which today, means it was windy (I'm convinced that my dogs are both part chicken).

1) The washing machine.

2) Standing between somebody's legs and moving with them every time they move (even on the stairs).***

***It should be noted that this is REALLY annoying because she is a BIG dog.

3) The piano. (I've gotten significantly better with all of the practice!)

4) Getting tucked in under a blanket!  This one is the trickiest because first you have to get her to be STILL.

Today, I was trying to clean my room and she was insisting on number 2, which just wasn't helping.  I managed to convince her to go up on the bed, covered her in a blanket and tucked it around her.  Within minutes she was sleeping soundly.

So adorably defective, my puppy is.

Just thought I'd share :)

I made a thing.

I just finished my handmade graph paper journal. I'm really happy with how it turned out! It was a lot of fun to learn some bookbinding and to try my hand at embroidery (and creating the design).

That should satisfy the creative urges for at least a couple of days :)

I shall call him Ernest.

I'm alive!!

Hello lovelies.

I realized today that I neglected to tell you something very important.... I'm doing better.

You know that post I made about being spiritually tired and feeling distant for the month of March? Yeah... I've been doing a lot better for a while now.

I believe my funk only lasted for a couple of days after that post (basically, early April)..... sooooo, sorry for not telling you.

Anywho... I just wanted to share my devotional from today. It really changed my perspective on a couple of things. I've copy/pasted it below. If you happen to be a woman (or know of one), I highly recommend



Nehemiah | Day 15 | A Willing Sacrifice

Text: Nehemiah 11-12:26, Philippians 2:21, Romans 12:1

At first glance, the exhaustive list of names in chapters 11 and 12 makes for a rather dry read. But pull up a chair, dig in a bit more, and see that in between these listings is the story of great importance to Jerusalem.

You would think as Jerusalem was being finished, people fought over who would live within the walls of the great city that they built. It would seem obvious that living there would be a privilege. Instead we see that lots were cast over who had to go, and that the people who did volunteer were commended. (Nehemiah 11:1-2)

Why is this? First, Israelites were a hated people. Anyone living within the walls could probably expect to be attacked and live on edge. Also, because it was a holy city and in it resided their temple, the inhabitants would need to follow God’s commandments closely and be examples.

Simply put, living within Jerusalem was more of a bother than a gift to most.

“All seek their own, not the things that are Jesus Christ’s.” (Philippians 2:21)

As I read through these chapters, my heart is struck by how often in my life I am the Israelite unwilling to live in God’s city. I’d rather be outside the walls, no burdens of how to act or expectations to sacrifice comforts. Yet, what God wants from us isn’t a begrudging acceptance of “lot casting.” He wants our hearts, our ability to look at the unknown and often terrifying and still say, “Yes Lord. Not my will, but yours.”

Our Lord wants us to accept making our lives a living sacrifice for His kingdom because He knows that what lies ahead for us in eternity is better than anything here on earth.

“I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.” (Romans 12:1)

We can be lot casters. We can enter into His holy city kicking and screaming, pouting for years and wondering, “Why me?” But we can also choose to go willingly, to be the volunteers that love the Lord so much we’d sacrifice the earthly “good” life for the glory of God.

Lord, make our lives a (willing) living sacrifice for your greater purpose.
