
Showing posts from April, 2013

Sewing, Days 2-4

I has been a long time since I've had the time to craft!  I worked on my purse a little bit on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday.

(Sorry for the graininess of the pictures!  The only camera I had access to was my phone and the lighting in the room was horrible for pictures!)

Day 2:
Step 1 -- Clean the craft room
That's better :)
Step 2 -- Sew the other side of the strap on.
I love this picture because it shows how even with hoards of pins at my disposal, I would rather use random clips!  I sooooooo very much detest pins!
Step 3 -- Sew the front (I'm pretty pleased with how this turned out! Yay, pockets!)
Step 4 -- Basically run out of thread.

Day 3:
(I didn't take many pictures this day, because they would have made no sense.)
Step 1 -- Buy thread!
Step 2 -- Sew the bottom and sides together.
Step 3 -- Pull one of the seams apart to resew it in a way that doesn't make the strap twist in the middle.
Step 4 -- Sew the back together
Step 5 -- Sew the bottom to the front and back.

Day 4:
Step 1 -- Sew the sides to the front and back.
(Thank goodness there were clothespins nearby or I would have had to use pins!)
Step 2 -- Finish the outside!!!!

Tada!  I'm really happy with it!

Now I just have to remember what I had planned for all of the inside pieces...

Toodles, my lovelies!

A Good Reminder

This was in my devotional tonight and I just thought I would pass it on.


// Philippians 2:5-11 // You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had. Though he was God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to. Instead, he gave up his divine privileges; he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being. When he appeared in human form, he humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminal’s death on a cross. Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor and gave him the name above all other names, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. //

When we think of humility as Christians, we know Jesus as the perfect example. What we may not think of are the reasons He was like He was. Absolutely, He had every right to be exalted by the world. Instead He choose to start out His story different from the moment it happened. Unwed mother. Stable birth. Fleeing from a king instead of a childhood home. Growing up always different. Put to death in the most cruel, humiliating way possible.

You may know all of this, it may have been told to you over and over with the ending of “because Jesus loved us so much.”

What strikes me is this: Jesus did this because His Heavenly Father ASKED Him to. He lived and died for the GLORY OF GOD. Just like in growing up, His death wasn’t for accolades or attention. He didn’t die so we, as imperfect creations, could tell Him how amazing He was for the rest of eternity. It was for obedience, and in being obedient, He needed to humble himself to our level. He had to, what would this story hold for our hearts and minds if Jesus grew up in a castle with servants and died at 90 in a gold bathtub? And yet, He easily could have and instead chose to obey.

Yes, Jesus died for our sins and to set us free from the rules and regulations we are still so bound by. But this act was in complete obedience to what He was sent to earth to accomplish. When we think of how and why He died, our thoughts should be on how amazing it was He could follow the path set for Him to the very end, even while we turned our backs on Him and He had His heart break for us.

Jesus was the very definition of humble. He was able to say no when He needed, to put others first each time He could, to obey His father at the cost of His life, and to set aside His own ego to accomplish what no one else could ever do.

What a Savior. What an amazing example of perfect humility.


Thank you, Lord! God bless, my lovelies!